Meet Doyle Lewis

It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself to the District 38 constituency. My wife and I live in Enid, OK and have 3 adult children whom we raised here, one of whom still lives in this great district. I've additionally been blessed with another 8 adult children.

Analiza and I (Doyle Lewis) have been active, engaged members of this community for 28 and 35 years, respectively.

Over the past 35 years, my ever-abounding love for this area has continued to grow, and that is evidenced by the numerous service roles I’ve held in the town of Enid throughout my adult life. My time in Enid has allowed me to serve on several boards and commissions, and I was able to start a business and become a sports official. I've also held a number of professional positions during that time, including work as a state employee, car salesman, and oil field worker. On July 15, 2023, I officially retired.

To give a brief statement on my political history, I'm a registered Democrat and have been all my adult life. Though, during this time, I've never voted a straight ticket in a single election. It has always been my position to vote for the person and not the label.

Now that I'm fully retired and have no children at home, it is my belief District 38 can use a person with a love for this area and a desire to serve. Our District comprises a lot of area (3,031 miles) and has many small towns with their own unique needs and desires. I'll be the first person to tell you: not everyone in the District will have the same opinion about the issues facing us today.

My promise to the people of this District is simple: I will listen to you. I will report back to you. I will develop a system where we can communicate in real time. I will make every vote. I will attend every committee meeting. And with all my effort, I will seek consensus before any decision is made on behalf of our District. I firmly believe, with your continued support, we can foster the change that we want to see in our great District.